Tuesday Roll Call
Hi Chris and IL,
Nothing much today either than work, work and work. Best of luck today for Dave with his 4 year appointment. He should not worry too much, he is 4 years PO and is doing FANTASTIC. His doctor should be pleased with his results. Enjoy the morning break before work.
Have a great day everyone!!
Good Morning Chris and everyone! By now, Dave has seen his docotr and been told how fantastic he is doing! Congratulations on 4 years of better health!
It is good to hear that Tracy in on the losing side and on the mend.
An uneventful surgery and speedy recovery to Martha tomorrow.
Still keeping Monica's family and Pam in my thoughts, as well as all the Illinoisians.
Lucy-----do NOT try to book your clubhouse too close to your surgery in November. We want you to be feeling well and ready to host a party! My uncle came through his surgery yesterday very well. Thank you to those that sent him good wishes. He is going home today and should be back to normal within a week or two. Due to spending time with my uncle, I did not get a chance to check out the support meeting at St. Anthony's. I WILL get there some day! David's team got CREAMED last night 40-0. I missed it, arriving and sitting down with Todd and Olivia just as the buzzer rang. What day in October are we thinking of meeting at the apple orchard? I may not be here if Todd and I actually take a trip. Everyone have a lovely day! I am working today, then I need to pick up the binding to finish the quilt tonight. We promised!
Open RNY May 7